Do you wash your cottage cheese?

Dave Scott, a world-class Ironman champion and triathlon coach, was asked what the secret to winning the Ironman World Championship was, and he said, 'I wash my cottage cheese'.

 Did that give him a performance-enhancing edge in his performance? Most likely not, but in his head, it did. It was a level of meticulous planning and preparation that left no stone unturned and looked for minor differences in any areas of the races.

Differentiation: Do you distinguish yourself and your company from your competitors?

Nounthe act or process of differentiating or the state of being differentiated.


There are some natural questions we can ask ourselves in our businesses today to see how different we are. Answer the questions below to see how you do.


  1. What do you believe you do best in your business?

  2. . Do your customers experience it?

  3. What small things do you do to make this stand out?

  4. What can the team / I do today to make a more significant difference?

  5. What can I do this month/quarter differently?


The other secret is to notice those making a difference for or in your business. Every time you see someone in your team making a difference, make a note of it and celebrate it.

One of the secrets to doing great business is to stack together many small things to create a considerable effect.  


 Let’s Go Deeper:

6 Other Ways to improve differentiation in your business.


Business differentiation refers to distinguishing a company, its products, or its services from competitors in the market. This is achieved by identifying and emphasizing unique aspects, qualities, or features that make the business stand out.  Differentiation aims to create a competitive advantage that allows a company to attract customers, achieve higher market share, and increase profitability.


Differentiation can occur in various aspects of a business, such as:

  1. Product differentiation: Offering a product or service with unique features, design, or functionality not available in competitors' offerings. What is your product differentiation?

  2. Service differentiation: Providing superior customer service, support, or after-sales care compared to competitors. What is your service differentiation?

  3. Price differentiation: Adopting pricing strategies that set the company apart from its competitors by offering lower prices or positioning the product as a premium or luxury offering. Why and what is your price differentiation?

  4. Distribution differentiation: Utilizing unique or exclusive distribution channels to reach customers, making it easier or more convenient for them to access the product or service. What is your distribution differentiation - personanlised wrapping, maybe? Handwritten notes?

  5. Brand differentiation: Creating a solid and unique brand identity that resonates with the target audience and distinguishes the company from its competitors. What makes your brand stand out among your industry?

  6. Technological differentiation: Developing or leveraging cutting-edge technology to deliver better, more advanced, and more efficient products or services. How do you embrace technology (or not) as a differentiator? 

Get a competitive advantage as a business, then continually assess your differentiation strategies and adapt them as market conditions and customer preferences evolve.


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