What our clients say
“It has been a true honor to be coached by Debbie. She is a great listener, empathetic partner and more importantly intuitive and brilliant guide that can help one progress in all & any aspect of your life journey. She has been amazing in adapting her style to suit the guidance that is needed and more importantly has provided great techniques that could be truly leveraged in real-life situations. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity of being coached by her and will treasure her guidance & continued partnership”
2022, Aela Ablas- Head of Influencer Marketing, Total Dove (USA)
“Dave & Deb are great. They start you back with the purpose as to why you formed your company and what that means to you. What your “vision thing” might be. They bring you along in a structured manner to create foundation items that continue to build until you have a clear structure for your vision and a plan to build future success that allows reality to be tacked onto the dream you may have had. Their experience and wisdom are amazing and incredibly valuable. On a person, to person level, they are a force of positivity and they never say you are wrong (even when you are) – they simply direct you to a “better” answer.
— George Powers Business Owner (CPA) New York State (Jan 2021)
“A huge thank you for the confidence and self-belief you have installed in me since I became a business owner. I have always said the best thing about having a coach was having someone 100% in your corner. And through the battles, I have with ******* your support has given me strength and courage. You have helped me build resilience that can not be broken. I feel like 3/ 4 years ago you took me under your wings and nurtured me into the strong independent businesswoman I am today. I could not believe how many wizards I was zooming with at times and that I was even considered a part of that group. Dave, I have had huge bragging rights to anyone that I speak to from the P4U days to say I have been working with you. Debbie, you are a truly inspirational woman and I learnt so much about the real me from you. I will forever be grateful for what you have done for me and can never thank you enough. Forever thankful”
— Jackie Burton - Multi Business Entrepreneur (May 2022)

“I was looking for a solution that would help my clients grow their business and reach their full potential. RLC Consult has been the perfect fit as it’s given my clients and me the structure needed to learn and grow together.
As a Business Coach for just 18 months, I was also looking to expand my knowledge and so not only has the structure been great but it’s upskilled me as a coach too.
Dave was highly recommended to me through Haydn, who is a great friend/colleague of mine. Knowing that Dave had a really strong track record of success in his field was really reassuring – we also had a similar background in our early careers, which helped me feel like we had a lot in common. Dave has helped me take business coaching to a new level – really getting under the skin of why and what we do with our clients.
Really understanding why we do what we do has been valuable insight, and I can’t wait to get started on it with our clients.
It has also helped me personally grow in confidence, broaden my thinking and meet lots of fantastic people – I never imagined just how brilliant part of the RLC family would be. Everyone is so helpful, friendly and supportive and we are also having some great fun along the way which is really motivational.
I would highly recommend RLC consult – there’s no question – the team are inspirational, supportive and great fun to be around. It’s a safe place to learn where you can truly be yourself and help and support one another whilst learning.
My skills and approach as a business coach just get better and better as my RLC Consult journey continues.”
Karen Turner Business Coach 22 Consulting 2021
“I was looking for something that could give me an edge in my business. Having had the fortune to work with Dave and Debbie previously, I knew that they were excellent coaches. When I found out about RLC Consult it seemed to be the perfect opportunity to take the work we were already doing up several levels and the wealth of resources and techniques we could access to enhance what we do brilliantly already was a huge bonus.
The consult framework first of all forces you to look at your own business and become aware of what is working and what could be improved. This approach of experiencing the framework first-hand in real terms is such a powerful way to understand the impacts of the tools. As I was looking for an edge and also redefining things through the pandemic, it provided the perfect opportunity to be supported and challenged on my thinking and my decisions and has both created a better foundation for my own business AND proven tools that I can now use to help others
The result is I now have a tailored solution that I am able to confidently market knowing exactly who I am supporting. This has led me to take on an additional 4 clients already, all of whom I am confident will transition into ongoing coaching relationships. This will lead to a 25% increase in revenues in the first year alone – and we have only just got started! ”
— Haydn Bratt Business Coach, Consultant & Author- Mindset Leadership 2021
What People Are Saying about our workshops and events
“Highly recommend any work, coaching or workshop with RLC. Fresh thinking, cleansed headspace, Interactive, interesting, practical.”
— Dr Leigh Vallance, CEO of Bolton Hospice
“The RLC event was much needed and appreciated in a time like this for personal development and growth. The positive energy towards the future is contagious.”