RLC Global the business therapists.
We help you become Best Version Businesses™, Teams and People. We work from within your business to fix, support, guide, develop, and challenge the process. Our core product is building a business framework to allow you to continue your growth story.
How can we help?
Choose one option that relates to what you are/do/need.
We could call ourselves a business consultancy- our clients would never describe us like that.
We Coach, we Consult, we Create, we Change
We are multidisciplinary, multi-faceted, and multi-purpose.
What do we mean by business fixer? We solve the problems a business has. You know something is not quite right when you are IN your business yet you can’t identify it. We assess, review, and work with you directly. A pre requisite is we work with Leadership at all levels, teams, individuals, process, strategy, culture, exit strategy, and acquisition. Each requires an open and direct approach and clear steps.
get involved
2023 sees us launch three books and our first one is Framework- build the future of your business, today written by our founder Dave Evans buy it now
Our RLC story
Watch the story of RLC Global
We become part of your team.
We do so much from coaching, consulting, workshops, business fixing, R&D and data research, identify and challenge risk and plans, reorgs, branding, technology. YET it always starts with The Framework because it does what is needed. Sets you up for success, your accountability, for decision making, your people, your customers- it does it all.
The Framework
Where it all began creating the Best Version Business Framework™️ our core product that allows, shares and builds a clear simple one page plan that binds existing and new actions together for the whole business.
We see the practice, the process and the doing as the work. The outcome of success then happens.
The world is full of business coaches; you lose your job, reinvent yourself, and share your knowledge and experience, becoming a coach or consultant. It seems the right option. Yet you get no clients, inconsistent or no revenue, give your time away for free, and still, you aren’t getting the results you wanted. We use our business success to coach coaches too. We understand that no matter how unique your experience is, you don't get clients without a product or a straightforward service offering. Your business is just that YOUR BUSINESS. You work in it, on it, at it, for it. Choosing well is essential.
There are so many offerings out there, so how do you choose? Ask yourself: Why am I choosing this person/company? What can they do for me? Or what do they offer? I can’t or don’t do? How will it help me achieve what I really want? What if I didn’t choose them? What if I did pick them?
What we do
Best Version Business Framework
Our hero product
More than coaching. Neuroscience, Brain cognition, NLP backed coaching is transformative. Can be linked with our Retreat a powerful combination.
Bespoke programs
We have many programs from iFCTR Sales with Service to iCAN mindset reset, to 7 Daily Leadership Principles to Power Presenter and more
Member Areas
Our bespoke eLearning programs
Dollar Dream Club
Our unique self-mastery program. This is $1 a week for guided coaching and support to achieve unlocking your master key
Our RLC Centres
A caveat of spelling -Centres or Center you will see both used as we have them in the UK and USA!
Outsourced is now insourced.
Our approach, since inception, has been about becoming dispensable! Many would say this is a disaster for a business plan, yet our focus is supporting your business to be sustainable, grow, learn, apply and continue the learning. This has matured into the creation of RLC centres within businesses. Outsourcing support now becomes insourced, inhouse, thrown from within with all the benefits of RCL products and services. Our first 5 centres open in summer 2021, and we continue to grow them.

What else do we do?
“Dave & Debbie do so much for us a business and its easier to say they are an integral part of the team . We’ve worked with them for over 3 years now and every year gets better”
—KR Illinois.

Talk to us. Consider us a Business Therapy Helpline!
We all need someone to talk too., vent, share, question, query. There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. Just talk.
We want to sell our Framework to you; we love it, so we want to share it with everyone. YET we also understand that the conversation is part of your practice and process, which is good enough. If it’s not right, we won't be ranting, forcing or even offering it. As one of the best advert taglines was “It’s good to talk”- we agree.