Permission give, take or ask?

Permission, what does it mean to you? AT RLC, we coach the skills around asking permission in all we do. It is integral to our values and how we choose to connect with others. Let me explain. “Permission from the dictionary definition is authorisation granted to do something; formal consent.”—

So how does this translate into the real world, personally and professionally? Why is it so important? Finally, how to apply, change and transform relationships, understand, build perspectives and remove assumptions and judgements. This singular action is impactful neurologically, too, in how we acquire information to make decisions or share opinions

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leadership, book Dave Evans leadership, book Dave Evans

Connected or Cut Off

Connecting with the right people is the basis of excellent leadership and being a successful balanced human. Look at the things we love doing as humans: relationships, love, families, communities, eating, drinking, holidays, having fun. All these pursuits have a connection at their core.  Equally, all these things viewed as a solitary exercise could be construed as depressing, negative and soul-destroying. When we apply a cut off behaviour, we create a severe flaw in our leadership. We may be doing it to protect, or with what could be a positive intention, yet its direct output is assumption, judgement and in work creates

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